
Rules of rounding off

  Rounding off the uncertain digit :  (a)  If the left most digit to be rounded off is more than 5 , the preceding number is increased by one.   Example : 2.16 is rounded to 2.2  (b)  If the left most digit to be rounded off is less than 5 , the preceding number is retained.  Example : 2.14 is rounded off to 2.1  (c)  If the left most digit to be rounded off is equal to 5 , the preceding number is not changed if it is even and increased by one if it is odd.  Example : 3.25 is rounded off to 3.2 2.35 is round off to 2.4

Significant figures

  (A)  Every scientific observation involves some degree of uncertainty depending upon the limitation of instrument. To represent scientific data, role of significant figures has its own importance.  (B)  Significant figures are equal to the number of digits in numbers with last digit uncertain and rest all are certain digits i.e. all the digits of datum including the uncertain one , are called significant figures.  (C)  Rules for determination of significant figure:  (i)  All non zero digits are significant.  Example : 3.14 has three significant figures  (ii)  The zeros to the right of the decimal point are significant.  Example : 3.0 has two significant figures.  (iii)  The zeros to the left of the first non zero digit in a number are not significant.  Example : 0.02 has one significant figure.  (iv)  The zeros between two non zero digits are also significant.  Example : 6.01 has three significant figures.  (v)  Exponential form : N × 10 n . Where N show the significant figure.  Exam

Gold Number (Surface Chemistry )

  Gold number of a protective colloid is the minimum weight of it in  milligrams which must be added to 10 mL of a substance (red gold sol)  so that no coagulation of the gold sol takes place when 1 mL of 10%  sodium chloride solution is rapidly added to it. or Weight of the dried protective agent in milligrams, which, when added  to 10 mL of a standard gold sol (0.0053 to 0.0058%), is just sufficient to  prevent a color change from red to blue on the addition of 1 mL of 10%  sodium chloride solution, is equal to the gold number of protective  colloid.  Protective power ∝ 1/Gold number Note: Gold number is a practical value, it cannot be obtained  theoretically.

How setting unachievable targets and routine hampers your exam preparation ?

  How does setting unachievable targets and routine hamper your exam preparation? Setting targets and routines is an important part of exam preparation, but it is equally important to ensure that these targets and routines are achievable. Setting unachievable targets and routines can have a negative impact on your exam preparation in several ways. Firstly , setting unachievable targets can lead to feelings of frustration and demotivation. When you set a target that is unrealistic or beyond your capabilities, it can be difficult to make progress toward that goal. This can lead to feelings of frustration and demotivation, which can in turn make it even more difficult to study effectively. Secondly , setting unachievable routines can lead to burnout. If you set a routine that is too rigid or demanding, you may find yourself struggling to keep up with it. This can lead to feelings of exhaustion and burnout, which can impact your ability to focus and retain information. Thirdly , setting un

How to set realistic goals?

  How to set realistic goals? As a student, you may feel overwhelmed and stressed when it comes to exams. The pressure to perform well and the fear of not living up to your expectation can be daunting. However, the key to successful exam preparation is to set realistic goals that you can achieve. we will try to formulate a way how you can set realistic goals that will help you prepare effectively for your exams.  1. Identify your strength and weakness: The first step in setting. A realistic goal is to identify your strengths and weaknesses. This will help you to focus on the areas where you need to improve and set goals that are aligned with your capabilities. Take a self-assessment test and see where you stand in terms of your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. 2. Prioritise your goals : Once you have identified your strength and weakness is, privatize your goals based on their importance and urgency. Start by focusing on the areas where you need the most improvement

How to develop problem-solving skills ?

  How to develop problem-solving skills  Developing problem-solving skills involves a combination of knowledge, practice, and mindset. Here are some steps you can take to improve your problem-solving abilities: Understand the problem: Before you can solve a problem, you need to fully understand it. Take time to clarify the issue, identify the root cause, and gather all relevant information. Break down the problem: Complex problems can be overwhelming, so it helps to break them down into smaller, more manageable parts. This allows you to focus on each piece of the problem individually, and then work towards a solution. Brainstorm potential solutions: Generate a range of possible solutions to the problem, even if they seem unlikely or impossible. The goal is to think creatively and explore all possible options. Evaluate the options: Review each potential solution in terms of its feasibility, impact, and potential outcomes. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each solution an

How to get over shyness in class?

  How to get over shyness in class? If you're feeling shy in class, there are several strategies you can try to help you feel more comfortable and confident: Prepare ahead of time: If you're worried about participating in class, try preparing ahead of time. Read the material before class, make notes, and come up with questions you might want to ask. This can help you feel more confident and prepared when it comes time to participate. Start small: If you're feeling particularly shy, start by participating in small ways. For example, you could ask a question or make a comment during a small-group discussion, or contribute to a class chat online. As you become more comfortable, you can gradually increase your level of participation. Practice active listening: When you're listening actively to what your teacher or classmates are saying, you may find that you become more engaged and less self-conscious. Try to focus on what's being said, and take notes or ask question

Why getting doubts in class is important?

  Why getting doubts in class is important? Getting doubts in the class is important for several reasons: Clarify concepts: By asking questions and getting doubts cleared, students can clarify concepts that may be unclear or confusing to them. This helps them better understand the material being presented and ensures that they have a solid foundation for future learning. Active engagement: When students ask questions and get involved in class discussions, they become more actively engaged in the learning process. This helps them retain information better and promotes deeper learning. Encourages critical thinking: When students ask questions and get their doubts cleared, it encourages them to think critically about the material being presented. This can help them develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter and improve their problem-solving skills. Builds confidence: By asking questions and getting doubts cleared, students can build confidence in their ability to understand

How to build better study habits?

  How to build better study habits? Building better study habits requires effort and discipline, but can be achieved by following these steps: Set clear goals: Establish what you want to achieve and set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for your studies. Create a study schedule: Plan a regular study schedule that works best for you, taking into consideration other commitments such as work or extracurricular activities. Find a study environment that works for you: Choose a place that is quiet, well-lit, and free from distractions to study in. Eliminate distractions: Turn off your phone, log out of social media, and eliminate anything that may distract you while studying. Take breaks: Studies have shown that taking short breaks can improve concentration and memory retention. Use active learning techniques: Active learning techniques such as summarizing information, explaining it to someone else, or teaching it to a study group can help increas

Mastering Group Study: Strategies for Success in Entrance Exam Preparation

  How to do an effective group study? Here are some tips for effective group study for entrance exams: Form a Study Group: Form a study group with students who are also preparing for the same exam. A group of 4-5 students is ideal. Set Goals and Objectives: Set clear goals and objectives for your study group. Decide what you want to achieve and create a plan to reach those goals. Assign Roles: Assign specific roles to each member of the group. For example, one person can be in charge of keeping the group on track, another can be responsible for taking notes, and another can lead the discussions. Create a Study Schedule: Create a schedule for your study sessions. Make sure that each session has a clear purpose and that you allocate enough time for each topic. Use Active Learning Techniques: Encourage active learning by using techniques like group discussions, role-playing, case studies, and problem-solving exercises. Take Regular Breaks: Regular breaks are important to help you st

What are the different techniques for revising a chapter or topic?

  What are the different techniques for revising a chapter or topic? There are many different techniques that you can use to revise a topic or chapter effectively, depending on your personal learning style and the information you need to retain. Here are some of the most popular methods: Summarising: Create a brief summary of the main points covered in the topic or chapter. This can help you to identify the key information and retain it more easily. Reviewing notes: Go through your class notes and any other materials you have used to study the topic, such as textbooks or handouts. Highlight important information and make any notes that you think will help you to recall the information later. Quizzing yourself: Create a list of questions to test your knowledge of the topic or chapter. You can ask yourself these questions out loud, write them down and answer them, or use flashcards to quiz yourself. Discussing with others: Talk to classmates, friends, or family members about the topi

Master Mind Mapping: A Step-by-Step Guide

  How to create a mind map A mind map is a graphical representation of ideas and concepts, arranged around a central idea or topic. Here's a step-by-step process for creating a mind map: Choose a central topic: The central topic is the main subject you want to create the mind map around. It could be anything, like a subject in school, a problem you're trying to solve, or a goal you want to achieve. Write the central topic in the center of a blank page: Draw a circle around the central topic and write it in the center of the page. Add main branches: From the central topic, add main branches that represent the main ideas or subtopics related to the central topic. Write each main idea in a separate circle and connect it to the central topic with a line. Add sub-branches: From each main branch, add sub-branches that represent more specific ideas or subtopics related to the main idea. Write each sub-branch in a separate circle and connect it to the main branch with a line. Add d

How to organize the notes?

  How to organize the notes? Date and Topic: Label each set of notes with the date and topic so you can easily find them later. Use Color: Use different colors for different types of information, such as blue for definitions, green for examples, and red for important information. Highlighting: Use a highlighter to mark important information. Abbreviations and symbols: Create a system of abbreviations and symbols that you use consistently in your notes to save time and space. Review regularly: Regularly review your notes to reinforce your understanding of the information and help you retain it better. Indexing notes is an important part of preparing for entrance exams, as it can help you stay organized and easily access important information when you need it. Here are some steps to follow for indexing notes: Identify key topics: Look through your notes and identify the key topics that you will need to know for the exam. These might include specific concepts, theories, formulas, or

What are the different ways of note-making?

  What are the different ways of note-making? Cornell Method: This method involves dividing a page into three sections: the cue column, the note-taking column, and the summary section. In the cue column, you write questions or keywords related to the material you're learning. In the note-taking column, you write the information you need to remember, and in the summary section, you write a summary of the information in the note-taking column. Outline Method: With this method, you organize your notes into an outline format, using headings, subheadings, and bullet points to categorize the information. This is a useful method for organizing complex information or taking notes on lectures or textbooks. Mapping Method: Mind mapping is a visual method of organizing information in a non-linear way. You start with a central idea and then connect related ideas to it, creating branches of information. This method can be especially useful for visual learners and for organizing information tha

Unlock Your Productivity: Mastering Time with the Pomodoro Technique

  What is the Pomodoro technique? The Pomodoro technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique involves dividing work into 25-minute intervals called “pomodoros” separated by short breaks. The idea behind the Pomodoro technique is that by breaking work into focus. Time intervals you can increase your productivity and avoid burnout. Here is how the Pomodoro technique works.  Choose a task to be accomplished. Set a timer for 25 minutes (the "pomodoro"). Work on the task until the timer goes off. Take a short break (5 minutes is recommended). After four pomodoros, take a longer break (15-30 minutes). Repeat the process. The Pomodoro technique is flexible and can be adapted to fit your individual needs and preferences. For example, you can adjust the duration of the Pomodoros and breaks to suit your attention span and workstyle. 

How to do spaced repetition and what are its benefits during studying for exam?

  How to do spaced repetition and what are its benefits during studying for exam? Spaced repetition is a technique for memorizing information where you review the material at increasing intervals of time, from shorter to longer. The idea is that by spreading out your review sessions, you can help solidify the information in your memory and avoid forgetting it. The benefits of using spaced repetition while studying for exams include: Improved retention: By spacing out your review sessions, you can help your brain store information in a way that makes it more likely to stick in your memory. More efficient use of time: Rather than cramming all of your study sessions into a short period of time, spaced repetition allows you to spread out your review sessions over a longer period of time, which can help you avoid the burnout that can come with cramming. Better long-term memory: Spaced repetition can help create stronger memory traces in your brain, which can make it easier for you to rec

Mastering Effective Studying Techniques: Boost Your Learning Potential

  Studying Techniques Competitive exams require you to be at your best, both mentally and physically. To achieve this, you need to have an effective studying plan in place. In this chapter, we will discuss some of the best studying techniques that will help you prepare for competitive exams in India. Breaking up study sessions It is important to break up your study sessions into smaller chunks so that you don’t get overwhelmed. This will help you retain information better and prevent boredom. You can divide your study sessions into 25-minute intervals with a five-minute break in between. During your break, you can do something to refresh your mind, like reading a book, meditating, or listening to music. Taking regular breaks Taking regular breaks is essential for maintaining focus and avoiding burnout. Breaks help your mind recharge and avoid boredom. Make sure to take a break every hour, even if it’s just for a few minutes. This will help you stay fresh and focused. Focusing on one ta