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Step by Step Guide to study Chemistry for JEE/NEET

Here’s a step-by-step guide for effectively learning Physical Chemistry , Organic Chemistry , and Inorganic Chemistry , tailored to provide clarity and maximize understanding: 1. Physical Chemistry This branch relies on concepts, formulas, and problem-solving. Step-by-Step Guide: Start with the Basics: Revise mathematics concepts: logarithms, differentiation, integration, and graphing. Understand the laws of thermodynamics and units of measurement. Focus on Key Topics in Sequence: States of Matter (gaseous, liquid, and solid states). Thermodynamics. Chemical Kinetics. Equilibrium (Chemical & Ionic). Electrochemistry. Solutions (Colligative Properties). Surface Chemistry. Atomic Structure and Quantum Mechanics. Learn Concepts Deeply: Study derivations step-by-step to understand the logic behind equations. Visualize graphs and understand their physical significance. Practice Numericals: Solve basic, intermediate, and advanced questions topic-wise....