Importance of keeping buffer time in daily routine

 Importance of keeping buffer time in daily routine :

Buffer time refers to the extra time you build into your daily routine to account for unexpected events, delays, or emergencies. It's important to keep buffer time in your daily routine for several reasons:

Reducing stress: When you have buffer time in your schedule, you're less likely to feel rushed or stressed when unexpected events occur. You'll have the time and space to handle any issues that come up without feeling like your entire day is falling apart.

Increasing productivity: Having buffer time in your schedule can actually increase your productivity. It allows you to take breaks between tasks and gives you time to recharge, which can help you focus better when you return to work.

Avoiding burnout: Without buffer time, you may be tempted to work long hours to make up for lost time. This can lead to burnout, which can have negative consequences for your mental and physical health. Buffer time can help you avoid this by ensuring you have enough rest and relaxation time built into your day.

Handling emergencies: Unexpected events like traffic jams, power outages, or family emergencies can throw your entire schedule off track. With buffer time, you'll have the flexibility to handle these situations without having to cancel important appointments or miss deadlines.


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